Cutting-edge facial recognition to verify people anywhere, with any device.

Perfect for venues and events, it simplifies access control, ticket validation, and payments into one seamless system.

Works with standard cameras on phones, tablets, and computers - no special hardware needed.

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Instant verification for venues, tickets & payments

Personalised Access

Instant, safe and secure access and authentication for you and your guests.



Customers can link their tickets to their profile, enabling expedited entry to stadiums and venues



Customers can link their preferred payment method to their identity, simplifying payments

Access Control


Eliminate the risk of lost and misused credentials by replacing plastic cards and fobs.

How It Works

Simple, secure, and seamless face authentication for your venue. Users register once on their personal app and gain instant access through our authenticator.

picpass Registration App

Personal Registration App

1. One-Time Registration

Fans can link their tickets to their face, enabling expedited entry to stadiums and venues

picpass Authenticator App

Venue Authentication App

2. Instant Authentication

At the venue, users are quickly authenticated through our verification app, providing seamless access and payment capabilities.

Ready to transform your venue's access control?

Join leading venues and event organisers who are already providing seamless, secure access with picpass.
Let's discuss how we can enhance your guest experience.